International Cleanskin Sheep Symposium
Invitation to all cleanskin sheep breeders & associated industries
International Cleanskin Sheep Symposium
18th & 19th February 2010
It is estimated that around 12% of the world’s sheep population are ‘cleanskins’ (often
referred to as ‘hair sheep’) and the numbers are increasing steadily.
Over the past decade we have seen a massive shift to all breeds of cleanskin sheep in
Australia, some established breeds and others newly developed.
As the world wide demand for animal protein increases producers are looking for
economical ways of producing sheep meat. The current world wool markets remain depressed and the domestic sheep industry struggles with traditional breeds and high
input production systems – simple arithmetic dictates a change - the popularity of cleanskin sheep breeds is expected to continue.
Cleanskin Sheep Australia has been developed by the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural
Society of SA for the staging of an international two day event showcasing Australia’s
cleanskin sheep breeds and associated industries.
A challenging and informative program will stimulate discussion and encourage all
cleanskin sheep breeders and associated businesses to support and strengthen this growing industry.
The symposium will also be a forum of information exchange between producers and an
education opportunity regarding current cleanskin sheep management practices.
This event is designed to provide a world wide stage for the promotion of the cleanskin
sheep industry in Australia and will be promoted both nationally and internationally. It
will be an exciting opportunity for breeders to promote their stock, raise the profile of
their breeds, source / purchase new genetics and interact with like minded people.
Cleanskin Sheep Australia invite you to be involved in this stimulating
event, please contact us or visit our website for more information.
Address: PO Box 108 Goodwood SA 5034 Contact:
CSA Office
(08) 8210 5231 Fax:
(08) 8231 4173
Email: Website: